Chat City Customer Support

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Got a question for us? Check out some of the most frequently asked questions that our customers have below. If your question is still not answered, please use the Ask Customer Support link below to contact one of our very helpful customer support members

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Important notice!

A high percentage of fraud claims are by customers who do make the purchase, only to deny it later. Please note that completing a legitimate purchase, then claiming fraud is a form of fraud and is an illegal practice punishable by law. After a Fraudulent transaction is claimed the Account will be blacklisted, making future online purchases difficult with us and other E-Businesses.

Why did you bill my account?

You purchased a recurring membership to an online dating site owned by Chat Connections Inc., billed as CHATCONN.COM. You should have received an email receipt at the time of purchase. To look up your subscription please provide the information below, or feel free to contact our customer support team via live chat or email.